Monday, March 12, 2012

24 hour party people

Well it has been a while since I have blogged and that is mostly because since M and Z stopped napping I don't have as much time. They do go to bed, and to sleep earlier, but to be honest by the time I have made it through the day I am just too exhausted. Often we leave the house at 8:30 and sometimes we don't get back until 4 or 5 p.m. They truly do have amazing stamina for 3 year olds, which is fun in lots of ways but is also tiring for me. It amazes me when friends say things about their kids like "they can look at books for hours" or "they like to stay home and play by themselves." If M and Z had it there way, and they frequently do, each day would be a new adventure to a different place. I cannot think for the life of me where they got that mentality:)

So since the last post we have been on a hundred bike rides, a thousand walks, been to the park about a million times, to open gyms, to pre-school, to dance class, been swimming twice, down to Tacoma to the zoo, The seattle zoo, hung out with friends at gymnastics, been trampolineing and run too many errands to recount.

Anyway they have been very quiet whilst I have been catching up with this, so you know that there is a MASSIVE mess somewhere for me to clean up now.

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