Saturday, August 11, 2012


It has been nearly a whole month since I have blogged, so finally this week I plan to catch up on a few things we have done during that month.

One of the best (and most totally exhausting) was taking Max and Zoe on their inaugural camping trip.  It took a while to get kitted out for car camping (thank you REI) and even longer to muster up the courage to venture into 'the wilderness' with 2 three year olds.

For our first trip we aimed low, just one night and not too far from a town (read hotel) in case it all went to hell in a hand basket.  We camped over on the East side of the mountains, as that area is pretty much guaranteed sunny and dry.  It was a proper wilderness camp though, just up from Beverly Creek, there was no piped water and Max and Zoe had to get used to the porta potty.

After an easy drive we (Scott and I, with NO help whatsoever from M and Z) set up the massive tent and got out everyones sleeping pads and bags.  Then we hung out and the kids ran around and were shortly called over by our "neighbors' to see a deer that had wandered into camp.  I was quickly acquainted with 'Crazy Joe' aged five, whom informed me that his dad was 'gonna shoot the head offa that deer.'  His dad came over to say hi, with his gun firmly attached to his hip.  The deer was off sharpish, which left the children plenty of time to run wild Crazy Joe and his dirt bike posse.  I was fine with it until the toy guns came out and it became a full on war game.  Then we left on a walk to explore the river, which the kids loved.

We made it through a spaghetti dinner then lit the fire to make smores, which were yummy, then we got the munchkins into bed.  Max was out cold in about 5 minutes, but it took Zoe a long time to settle down.  We'd finished off the wine before she was even asleep.(Note to self-more wine next time).  Anyway we all mostly slept, and M woke us all up at 6 the next day raring to go.


It took a week to recover from the trip, but we have agreed to do one more in September. So it can't have been that bad.

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